Puslapis 11

Slegis po voztuvu dangteliu

ParašytasCOLON 2012 04 21, 14:21
Eclipse 1g 2.0L

Pamatavau siandien kompresija visuose po 13.5 bar , bet pastebejau kad man varo tepalus i isiurbimo slanga, nes pro ta pcv nespeja izsiurbinet tu duju is po dangtelio ir jos pradeda varyt pro kita puse i isiurbimo slanga kartu su tepalais.
Skaiciau kazkur , kad yra sprendimo budai del sito tai ar galetu kas pasidalint informacija ka kaip daryt?


Re: Slegis po voztuvu dangteliu

ParašytasCOLON 2012 04 23, 08:35
vieni stato filtriuką, bet ne pats geriausias variantas, nes jis gali užsikišt, kiti oil catch can'ą, tai tepalo gaudyklė ir pats geriausias variantas, kurį gali ir pats susimeistraut. http://www.gassavers.org/files/gassaver ... chcan0.jpg

Esmė, kad tepalas varvėtų į tą talpyklą, o oras į pasiurbimo šlangą.

Re: Slegis po voztuvu dangteliu

ParašytasCOLON 2012 04 23, 18:00
Dekui reiks pasidaryt

Re: Slegis po voztuvu dangteliu

ParašytasCOLON 2012 04 23, 18:44
Na aš tau jau buvau pataręs padidinti tą alsuoklio skylę ir pastatyt keč keną :)

Re: Slegis po voztuvu dangteliu

ParašytasCOLON 2012 04 23, 20:47
Bet jeigu as padidinsiu ta skyle tai negalesiu pcv panaudot o jis gi ten stovi kad nepaduotu atgal egr duju i dangteli.
Aisku skaiciau, kad kiti perkelia ta pcv i pati catch can bet jokios naudos nes vistiek jis ten tada stabdys.

Re: Slegis po voztuvu dangteliu

ParašytasCOLON 2012 04 23, 20:55
Užblokuoji EGR, išmeti PCV ir pasistatai catch-can

Re: Slegis po voztuvu dangteliu

ParašytasCOLON 2012 04 24, 11:50
Na taip bet su EGR ne vien tik minusai jo pagalba mazinama detonacijos tikimybė ir vėsinamas variklis.

Re: Slegis po voztuvu dangteliu

ParašytasCOLON 2012 04 24, 12:43
kur cia tokie saltiniai?

Re: Slegis po voztuvu dangteliu

ParašytasCOLON 2012 04 24, 12:58
vėsinamas variklis? po ką tik įvykusio degimo proceso karštos išmetamosios dujos vėl patenka į cilindrą... nenorėčiau sutikt...

Re: Slegis po voztuvu dangteliu

ParašytasCOLON 2012 04 24, 13:19
justinas91 rašėCOLONNa taip bet su EGR ne vien tik minusai jo pagalba mazinama detonacijos tikimybė ir vėsinamas variklis.
Nebepirmą kart pastebiu, kad Tu Justai visokių įdomybių prisiskaitęs ir gan keistus techninius sprendimus pastoviai priimi... :roll:
P.s. 1.8 4G37 dsm'ai iš gamyklos su egr blockoff net ėjo :wink: Daugiau nei pusė dsmtuners su blokuotais egr važinėja ir vargo nemato. Kad dėl detonacijos, tai jau EGR yra pati mažiausia problema šituo klausimu.

Re: Slegis po voztuvu dangteliu

ParašytasCOLON 2012 04 24, 14:19
Gal sprendimai ir keisti, nes gi tik cia mano antras auto ir nuo sito pradejau visa savo automobilisto hobi tai praktikos mazai dar, o tik per praktika viskas ismokstama pilnai.
O del info tai va
The purpose of EGR is to reduce NOx (oxides of nitrogen,
like NO, NO2, N2O, etc.) which are a major component of smog.
It has the added benefit of improving gas mileage, reducing
cylinder and exhaust gas temperatures during steady cruise,
the added problem of carbon-fouling the intake, but has NO
impact on WOT power.

Gasoline is a chemical soup of various hydrocarbons. The
chemical reactions of burning gasoline are very complex, but
all involve breaking these long hydrocarbon molecules into
smaller pieces and combining them with oxygen. These
reactions take some time (milliseconds) to complete. If
there is excess oxygen they happen faster because broken-up
hydrocarbons can find an oxygen "partner" easier (faster).
As the mixture gets leaner and leaner, eventually the speed
of combustion exceeds the speed of sound and that's called
detonation; so that's why lean mixture blows up turbo motors.

The heat of these reactions breaks the naturally occurring
nitrogen (N2) in the air into two single nitrogen atoms both
desperately looking for a partner, ideally oxygen. If the
cylinder temperature gets hot enough, quite a bit of
nitrogen gets broken up and combines with oxygen to make NOx
(smog) compounds.

One way to get rid of NOx is to run rich, but that makes HC
(hydrocarbon) emissions go through the roof so they invented
EGR (exhaust gas recirculation). By introducing oxygen-
depleted exhaust gas back into the chamber, the gasoline
hydrocarbon molecules take longer to find oxygen partners
because these inert exhaust molecules are in the way. That
drops the peak cylinder temperatures, preventing the NOx-
forming reactions from even getting started. Don't confuse
peak cylinder temperatures with power; the total heat energy
released by combustion is still the same, you just get it
over a slightly longer period of time, not long enough to
make a significant power difference, maybe around 0.1 HP.

As an added bonus it makes exhaust valves stay cooler so they
last longer
, and by filling some of the cylinder space
(making the engine behave as if it was smaller displacement)
it improves pumping efficiency and this shows up as 1-2 MPG
at steady cruise.

The EGR valve is vacuum-operated so it closes at large
throttle openings and on boost. There is no EGR happening
when you whomp on it.

On 1970's cars the manufacturers got really carried away with
EGR, air injector pumps ("smog pumps"), and hideously
restrictive pellet-bed catalytic converters. Removal of
these devices made a tangible performance benefit so many
people still think if they remove them from a modern car it
will run stronger. But on most modern cars, it just screws
things up. The only compelling reason to remove or disable
EGR on a DSM is to prevent carbon build-up in the intake. If
you clean the throttle body and intake real good once a year
it's not a problem.

Re: Slegis po voztuvu dangteliu

ParašytasCOLON 2012 04 24, 15:11
Ne tuos straipsnius skaitai, ir ne tuose puslapiuose sėdi. Bet jei su anglų draugauji, tai geriau http://www.dsmtuners.com/ ar http://www.vfaq.com/index-main.html pasiskaityk, tikrai bus Tau daugiau naudos ir mažiau tokių klausimų kils :)